Liga: a women's journey for sustainability in fashion
Initiative designed to launch a training course on sustainability in fashion for professionals active in the sector, so that they can act as vectors of change within the institutions they are involved with; To carry out Liga, a women-only online course focused on sustainability in fashion; To enable the training of women fashion workers from disadvantaged groups through social spots; Change the national fashion market and accelerate the transition to a new ethical and sustainable system; Act to reduce gender inequality.
Span: 2021
Proponent: Cora Design
Partenering Collaborators: Ewa Poranga (Julia Vidal), The Brazilian Association of Textile Retail (ABVTEX), The Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association (Abit)
Seed Funding: R$ 10.000,00
The first Liga class was held, with 20 enrolled and 18 in attendance. 10 of these spots were socially-oriented (eight were filled, seven had 75% attendance and a certificate was issued).
The course was attended by women from nine different Brazilian states (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Parana, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco);
(RS, SC, PR, SP, RJ, MG, MT, RN e PE);
The full social grants for women from productive but disadvantaged groups in the fashion supply chain have brought leaders closer together and empowered them. They also fostered the group with diversity and relevance.
de diversidade e relevância para o grupo. The groups that got involved were: Tramando Junt@s (Bolivian/Aymara immigrants living in Sao Paulo); Flor de Cabruera (Northeastern seamstresses in Sao Paulo); Cos – Costura Consciente (socially vulnerable women in Porto Alegre); Coletivo Mulheres do Polo (seamstresses from Pernambuco’s agreste region); Cooperativas Libertas (former prisoners in Sao Paulo); Ecotece (promoting a culture of sustainability with seamstresses in Sao Paulo); and Justa Trama (agroecology women in Porto Alegre);
(mulheres em vulnerabilidade social em Porto Alegre), Coletivo Mulheres do Polo (costureiras do agreste pernambucano); Cooperativas Libertas (egressas do sistema prisional em São Paulo); Ecotece (promoção da cultura da sustentabilidade com costureiras em São Paulo); e Justa Trama (mulheres da agroecologia em Porto Alegre);
More than 20 hours of live content were recorded, registering the fashion production chain, sustainability, collaboration and the importance of women as agents of transformation;
Content was posted online and a network was created to connect attendees (living glossary, Padlet with references);
Collective mentoring on “Circularity and reverse logistics”, “Strategic partnerships” and “Collaboration”;
As indicators of success, it is worth mentioning the rapport between the groups, the consolidation of practical actions and partnerships between the mentees, the positive feedback received and the creation of the Cora Community ( from March 2022);
Organization of Liga to keep offering the course, with a second class held in October 2021, which was attended by six other students who received social grants and 10 paying students, bringing the total to 16. The group was joined by manager Thayne Garcia, as a guest speaker for a bonus class on systemic change, the importance of collaborative processes and the development of transformative scenarios;
Identification of the feasibility of setting up an open and replicable education program for other groups that showed interest.
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