Initiative created with the purpose of integrating agendas related to sustainability in fashion into the curricula of professional courses offered by SENAI all over Brazil.
Span: 2019
Proponent: Technology Center for the Chemical and Textile Industries of SENAI - SENAI CETIQT (Marcelo Ramos)
Partenering Collaborators: he Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association - Abit (Camila Zelezoglo), the National Service for Industrial Training - SENAI SAO PAULO (Dilara Rubia Pereira), the Textile Industry Union of Pernambuco (Oscar Augusto Ferreira), UFO WAY (Grasiela Moretto)
The initiative proved its transinstitutional nature, receiving support from seven institutions: IED, the National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI), UVA, Fashion Revolution, Universidade Plurietnica Aldeia Marakana, Instituto Hoju, UCAY. Additionally, seven livestreams were conducted to promote the course, focusing on related themes, with active participation from 1,827 people.
curso, com a temática relacionada a ele, com retorno ativo de 1.827 pessoas ao longo das ações. Five initiatives, called “transformation ecosystems”, are being developed by subgroups.