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Éwà Poranga Pluricultural School

Initiative based on the lessons learned and the pivoting of other initiatives (“Cosmovisions x Fashion” and “The Untold Fashion History”) to rescue the origins of Brazilian fashion identities, by teaching a diverse and nonhierarchical fashion. 

Span: 2021

Proponent: Julia Vidal

Partenering Collaborators: Cora Design (Laura Madalosso e Raquel Chamis), Coletivo Sartasiñani /Tramando Junt@s, Nossa Moda Sustenta

Seed Funding: R$ 10.000,00


  • 147 students – called “Seeds”- were reached with semi-regular activities in the first year;
  • 250 instructors were trained and became “Content Multipliers”;
  • 9 innovation ecosystems that generate positive social impact were created;
  • 2,479 people benefited from the free online courses, with a 98% satisfaction rate.

Website: https://www.juliavidal.com.br/ewaporanga
Social media: https://www.instagram.com/ewaporanga/

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